O+K Real Estate is a highly-skilled and entrepreneurial ​real estate company focusing on acquiring properties in ​the UK with a clear Value-Add proposition.

How We Work

We take a forensic approach to ​acquisitions and apply extensive ​risk analysis before investing.

We are experienced in hands-on ​asset management throughout a ​project.

We deal with residential, retail, ​office and leisure assets and ​have demonstrated our ability to ​add value in multiple ways.

We have a strong in-house ​planning capability and involve a ​talented team of consultants at ​the earliest possible stage to ​ensure we focus on projects most ​likely to offer the required ​outcomes for our partners.

Our professional team comprises ​long-standing partners where we ​often have over a decade of past ​projects together.

Wherever possible, we look to ​reuse buildings in an effort to ​promote development with ​maximum long term ​sustainability and ESG ​credentials.

We are curious about technology ​and how it will help us, and are ​working alongside some of the ​brightest emerging businesses ​looking at how it can be applied ​to real estate.

Who We Are

We have a combined experience of over 90 years in the UK commercial ​property market, having held Executive Board roles at major Developers, ​Agencies, Consultants, Retailers and Local Authorities.

Mark Beeston




Eric Hall





Nigel Thompson


Acquisitions & ​Asset Management ​Director

City Building and Bridge Between River during Day Time

Get in touch.

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